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Coding and consulting › HomeServices

"Software services are worthless unless you know how to use them, and web-design implementation can only be optimized if you know what techniques are available.
That's were SalesKite came to be about real people and and helping them."

Jimbo Robbins
Senior warden, St. Marys church

The distance between the IT provider and the final user is often very wide in today's world. SalesKite customers know that it does not have to be this way.

SalesKite offers specialized training, webinars, and general consulting about web-design, user education, custom web-page and system coding, and much more. SalesKite helps you get your website and web store launched, then trains you to manage and update it yourself, and finally it will be there when you need help.

An elevated level of service and assistance may cost more but in the end be worth a lot to you and your company.


Easy content management (CMS)
and hosting for your custom
designed web-site.

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E-commerce solution with
content management (CMS) for
your custom design.

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E-business solution with
customized functions to meet
your unique needs.

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